英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 21:31:13

serve out

英 [sə:v aut]

美 [sɚv aʊt]

分发(食物、饮料等); 做(或学)到期满
  • 网络解释

1. 分发口粮,服满:vapour transmission 蒸汽透过 | serve out 分发口粮,服满 | short landing account 短卸帐单


2. 分发口粮:serve one's turn 适用 | serve out 分发口粮 | serve rifle 军用步枪

3. 分发(食物、饮料等做(或学)到期满:4510servev. 可作...用,服务,对待 | 4511serve out分发(食物、饮料等做(或学)到期满 | 4512serve up端上(食物、饮料等)

4. 分配(粮食盛(饭、菜斟(酒):serum protein 血清蛋白质 | serve out 分配(粮食盛(饭、菜斟(酒) | server 菜盘;托盘

You must serve out your sentence.(你现在必须服从你的判决。)
We serve out of love for you, and for the love of the great Supreme Creator.(我们用爱服务你们,这“爱”来自最伟大的造物主。)
They didn't want me to serve out my notice.(他们想不等我干到约定的离职时间就要我走。)
At last, I killed some birds and hung them among the crop, hoping they would serve as the scarecrows, which turned out to be successful.(最后,我杀了几只鸟,把它们挂在庄稼里,希望它们能充当稻草人,结果我成功了。)
Separately, under a prisoner-transfer agreement that they recently agreed with Britain, the Libyan authorities requested in May that he be sent home to serve out the rest of his sentence.(另一方面,根据最近与英国签订的犯人交换协议,利比亚当局在五月份就要求苏格兰释放迈格拉希,让他在国内服完自己的刑期。)
Capitalising on that situation was another matter, though, and Murray could not serve out the set in a tense game, netting a forehand on the second break point.(然而要保持这有利局势又是另一回事,穆雷在紧张的一局中却无法破发,在第二个破发点上他把球打到了网带上。)
It isn't enough for the root of the directory to return a 404 status code, because it's possible for a directory to return a 404 but still serve out files underneath it.(对于根目录,只返回404状态代码是不够的,因为尽管目录返回404状态代码,但有可能在目录之下还有文件。)
So use your body to honor God." We don't serve God out of guilt or fear or even duty, but out of joy, and deep gratitude for what he's done for us.(我们事奉神不是出于罪咎感、恐惧或责任,乃是因为他为我们所做的,叫我们感到喜乐与感激;我们的生命是他的。)
Screaming and crying, Paris Hilton was escorted out of a courtroom and back to jail after a judge ruled she must serve out her entire 45-day sentence behind bars rather than under house arrest.(这回这是泣不成声了,帕里斯·希尔顿从法庭被押回到监狱。之前,法官宣判,她必须在监狱服满45天的刑期,而不能在家里服刑。)
I have been ordered to serve out rations to soldiers.(我奉命给士兵们分发口粮。)
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